Author. Mom. Wife.

About Sherricka

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.”
– Marianne Willamson

The Next Chapter: God's Perfect Timing

Challenged by a Sisterfriend in the summer of 2008 to create a list of 100 things she wanted to “Do-Be-Have”, Sherricka would compile her list and she wrote for #18 – to be the author of a children’s book or book of inspirational quotes. Twelve years later, she would see this vision fully come to pass. This life-long learner and former educator was able to add the title AUTHOR to her name. For this wife, mother of three and a bonus daughter, what some could have said this was a dream deferred, Sherricka has just seen it as God’s Perfect Timing!

Originally from Durham, she would graduate from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University (Aggie Pride) in 1996 with a B.S. in Mathematics Education. Deciding to not leave, Sherricka and her husband would keep their roots in Greensboro. 

Discovering that there was more than one book on the inside of her, Sherricka decided to go a step further and add publisher to her resume’. Her Publishing Company, Wabash To Worthing Publishing, LLC, pays homage to both her roots in Durham (Wabash) and her family’s roots in Greensboro (Worthing). It was definitely a dream come true and has given her the opportunity to fulfill a promise to herself. 

One of the other items Sherricka put on her “Do-Be-Have” list was to own her own business someday. In 2011, she wrote the vision for a Bookstore. Her idea of Barnes and Noble meets Starbucks for teenagers! This idea would sit with her and be revised for an entire decade. In September 2021, yet another dream would come true! She would open Next Chapter Bookstore and Gift Shop inside of Ben’s Boyz Restaurant in Greensboro, NC. This gem of a space houses over 70+ Creatives and their books, art, jewelry and more. Now, Bookstore Owner!! Sherricka feels like she’s dreaming wide awake!


Thank you for visiting our site and we hope you find yourself at home in the pages. 

Sherricka Carpenter Stanley

Wabash To Worthing Publishing, LLC

“ Whether it makes it to my Children’s bookshelf or Barnes and Noble; I will write” - Sherricka Carpenter Stanley


Her Faith is what sustains her


Family is what she believes in most

The Snowy Day

The book that changed her life